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Depression Symptoms

There are many different types of depression, although many of the symptoms that apply to each will be similar, there are some extra characters look at each type of depressive poremećaja.Slijedi list of some of the main types of depressive disorders and type of symptoms that can be associated with them.

clinical depression
Depression can range from mild to severe, but that would be classed as major depression, there are at least 5 depressive symptoms for at least two weeks that are severe enough to interfere with daily routine and not related to substance use, medical condition, or bereavement.

of low mood and sadness for most of the time

of the indifference and lack of pleasure in most activities, including sex

o gain or loss related to an increased appetite or decreased

on Sleep Disorders - Insomnia and Hypersomnia and

A sense of exhaustion, when you wake up

o Irritability, agitation and restlessness

A sense of guilt, worthlessness and / or disabled

an inability to concentrate and focus on

of indecision

o Fatigue or loss of energy

about the physical aches and pains, or digestive problems

O Repeating thoughts of death or suicide

bipolar disorder (manic depression)
Bipolar disorder is a very complex depressive disorder at the basic level we can say that is characterized by severe mood fluctuates between the extreme "ups" or episodes of mania, to severe "lows" or depressive episodes, but in reality it does not quite as simple as that there is no clear pattern, and sometimes the symptoms of both mania and depression may be present at the same time (mixed state bipolar ).

Manic episodes can be diagnosed if at least three symptoms occur together with elevated mood for most of the time at least a week. If the overall mood is one of irritation, then 4 more symptoms must be present.

o Increased energy, activity, and restlessness

on the excessive "high", euphoric mood

O extreme irritability

about racing thoughts, talking fast, jumping from one idea to another

of distractibility, lack of concentration

a little sleep needed

o Unrealistic beliefs in one capacity and powers of the

O Poor Judgement

Budget tours

on the duration period of behavior that differ from the norm

o Increased sex drive

alcohol and drug abuse

for provocative or aggressive behavior

A denial that something is wrong

depressive episodes can be diagnosed if five or more of these symptoms are present most of the time period of at least 2 weeks.

to feel sad, anxious or empty mood

o Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism

about the feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness

A loss of pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex

o Decreased energy, fatigue or feeling "slowed down"

A difficulty in concentration, memory, decision-making

o Restlessness or irritability

o Sleeping too much or can not sleep

A change in appetite and / or unintended weight loss or gain

o Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are caused by physical illness or injury

o Thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempt

Teen Depression
All teenagers go through periods of grief and resentment from time to time so it's not easy to spot when it developed into a depression. With some classic signs of depression, there are some other signs to watch out for, including:

a headache and aches and pains not associated with any medical condition

of frequent absences from school, a poor performance

o Persistent boredom, brooding or sulking

O no interest in socializing with peers

of the restless and agitated behavior

you are often angry, upset or hostile

the fear of death or dying

of poor hygiene and neglect occur

O show extreme sensitivity to rejection

of self harm

Child Depression
All this is recognized that children suffer from depression too. Some additional signs have been careful:

O refusing to go to school or getting into trouble at school

o Clinginess

o Concerns about death and dying

of pretending to be sick

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD is a type of depression occurs during the winter months. Symptoms vary from mild to severe. Some common symptoms are:

on the mood and behavior changes coincide with the winter months

on the fatigue and lethargic most of the time

o eating and / or sleeping more than usual

you are often sick from work

A difficulty in concentrating and making decisions

o Irritability

about the lack of interest in socializing

about stress, anxiety and / or panic attacks

A loss of interest in sex

A general feeling of low

post natal depression
Post Natal Depression can occur after a woman gave birth. Symptoms are similar to those of common depression, but may also include:

about feeling guilty, inadequate, and can not handle

the fear of love is not enough baby

the anger, hostility or indifference to a child or partner

A sense of hopelessness and depression

of the wages or want to cry all the time

about feeling very anxious and panicky

of obsessive fears and concerns


If you think you or someone close to you suffer from depression It is important to see your GP in the first instance, because with proper diagnosis and appropriate help, depression is treatable.

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