Inositol (Vitamin B8) as Natural Remedy for Clinical Depression

Administration of inositol decreased signs
of depression in two animal studies. Several small human studies suggest that
inositol may be of value in the treatment of depression, particularly for those
who do not respond to antidepressant medications.

Croft, MD (Psychiatrist) Medical Director)

is Inositol?

or Vitamin B8, is a water soluble fatty lipid that is required by the body for
the formation of healthy cells. Inositol has been shown to be effective in
treating some cases of depression, anxiety, OCD and other psychological
disorders that respond to serotonin uptake inhibitors.

Inositol is a naturally occurring isomer of glucose,
though it is generally considered to be a member of the B vitamin family. It is
a key intermediate in the intracellular phosphatidyl inositol second messenger
pathway activated by numerous serotonergic, cholinergic, and noradrenergic
receptors. In this capacity it serves as an important signal transduction
molecule, but inositol is also a structural component of cellular membrane
phospholipids. Research indicates that inositol is an effective and safe option
in the treatment of panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
bulimia nervosa, binge eating and/or depression. Inositol's efficacy, in the
absence of side effects, makes this nutrient an attractive addition to
treatment plans for specific mood disorders. Following is a scientific review
of inositol for the treatment of mood disorders, including a discussion of its
anecdotal use for the treatment of insomnia and its cautioned use by pregnant
women for the prevention of neural tube defects and embryopathies.

other reported benefits of inositol in clinical settings are:

  • Reduction in the need for pain medication when
    patients are given inositol.

  • Reduction of edema in treatment of scald burns.

  • Relieving the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

to an abstract published by Lisa Colodny, Pharm D. and Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.
about the clinical applications of inositol, “Inositol is now established as a significant mediator of calcium
mobilization in the endoplasmic reticulum. Modifying this mobilization of
calcium may be effective in treating some CNS disorders like Alzheimer's
disease, depression, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and as an
analgesic for pain control. Likewise, its use to alleviate lithium-induced
adverse reactions is also promising.”

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inositol  Does?

Inositol is used in the production of inositol
triphosphate and diacylglycerol, both of which are molecules involved in the
system that allows communication between neurotransmitters and the interior of
cells. It is believed that a decrease in inositol could lead to a shortage of
these two molecules, causing mood-regulating neurotransmitters - such as serotonin,
dopamine and norepinephrine - not to be able to properly communicate with the
interior of brain cells. Supplementation with inositol could help depression by
improving the functioning of this.

Inositol is a ‘second messenger’, triggering the release of calcium in cells.
It also is involved in the transmission of messages between neural cells and
the transport of fats within cells. It’s most important role seems to be in the
central nervous system, where it serves to help transmit messages along neural
pathways. Various studies have shown its efficacy in treating a number of
psychological disorders that seem to have a chemical basis, including bulimia,
OCD, depression and bipolar mood disorder. Inositol seems to be present in
greater concentration in the cells in and around the central nervous system,
including brain cells and retinal cells, and in other specialized cells such as
bone marrow and intestinal cells. It is also found in high concentration in
mother’s milk, leading to the possibility of a link to the immune system.

of its role in cell health and neurotransmission, inositol is considered an
important nutrient, even though it is not technically a ‘vital’ nutrient or a

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Benefits of inositol

has been used for some time in the treatment of several neurologically based
disorders. These include:

  • Mild to
    moderate depression
    . Patients treated with supplements of inositol showed a
    definite improvement in several studies of depression.

    Depressive patients generally have decreased levels of inositol in their
    cerebrospinal fluid. Researchers now theorize that inositol produces
    positive clinical results in patients with depression due to intracellular
    phosphatidyl inositol serving as a second messenger for
    5-hydroxytryptamine (5-H[T.sub.2]) receptor signaling mechanisms.
    Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a family of drugs
    commonly used to treat depression, have a similar therapeutic profile to
    inositol in that they inhibit serotonin reuptake in the synaptic cleft.

    Levine et al. performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for 28
    days on 28 depressed patients using a large dose (12 grams per day) of
    inositol. The Hamilton Depression (HAMD) Scale was used to evaluate
    patients after the 28-day trial period, and a significant overall benefit
    was confirmed in the inositol group compared to the placebo group. No
    changes were noted in liver, kidney, or hematological function as a result
    of the high-dose inositol supplementation.

  • Obsessive-compulsive
    disorder (OCD).
    In several studies, patients suffering from OCD and
    related disorders showed relief of their symptoms when given supplements
    of inositol.

Levine completed a review of
research studies using inositol on psychiatric patients. The review highlighted
some interesting findings with OCD patients. Serotonin plays a definitive role
in obsessive-compulsive disorder as confirmed by the effectiveness of SSRIs in
OCD patients and the fact that serotonin agonists exacerbate the syndrome.
Rahman and Neuman effectively reduced serotonin receptor desensitization via
the administration of myo-inositol.

These research findings, coupled with the knowledge that SSRIs have proven
beneficial in the treatment of OCD, influenced Fux et al. to complete a
double-blind, placebo-controlled, random, crossover treatment trial of inositol
on OCD. Thirteen patients, all of whom met DSM-III-R criteria for OCD,
completed the trial. Six patients began the trial on placebo and seven began
the trial on inositol (18 grams per day) for a total of six weeks for the first
phase and six weeks for the crossover phase. The researchers administered 18
grams of inositol rather than 12 grams (typical dose for depressive patients)
because OCD patients generally respond to higher relative doses of SSRIs than
is needed to effect change in most depressives. The OCD patients were free of
drug and alcohol abuse and had no evidence of diabetes or GI disorder. OCD was
assessed using the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and
depression and anxiety were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS)
and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAS). The mean improvement in OCD symptoms from
baseline to six weeks was 5.9 for inositol versus 3.5 for placebo. This
indicates a measurable positive response of OCD patients to inositol.

  • Panic
    Clinical evidence suggests that large doses of inositol may reduce
    the number and severity of panic attacks.

Panic attacks are recurring
attacks of severe anxiety without an apparent cause. Agoraphobia (irrational
fear and avoidance of crowds, travel, and multiple situations), depression,
alcohol abuse, and suicide are common symptoms and may be exacerbated by
post-traumatic stress. Current treatments usually consist of antidepressant
drugs and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Antidepressant medications affecting serotonin metabolism are effective about
70% of the time for dramatic, short-term improvement of anxiety symptoms.
However, chronic residual symptoms often persist in the long term. 25-75% of
patients with panic disorder discontinue drug treatment because of side
effects, and these patients quickly relapse.

In one study, twenty-one patients diagnosed with panic disorder with or without
agoraphobia were given 12 grams of inositol per day or placebo. In the
treatment group, the severity and frequency of panic attacks declined
significantly with minimal associated side effects. The average number of panic
attacks per week in patients treated with inositol fell from 10 to 3.5 per
week. The researchers concluded that these results were "clinically
meaningful" in the management of panic attacks.

More recently, inositol was compared with the antidepressant fluvoxamine in the
treatment of panic disorder. This study represents a more stringent test of the
effects of inositol in treating panic disorder because it is the first to
compare inositol with an established antidepressant drug. In this study of 20
patients with panic disorder, inositol was found to be slightly but
significantly more effective than fluvoxamine in reducing the number of panic
attacks. Otherwise, it was comparable to fluvoxamine on all other measures
(HAS, phobia, and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Scale). Since inositol
appears to be as effective as fluvoxamine, patients may prefer it and continue
to take it for the long term because side effects are extremely rare and mild.

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Inositol in Diet

Fruits and vegetables that are especially rich in inositol
include: cabbage, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts, cantaloupe, bananas, raisins,
oranges and other citrus fruits. It is also found in wheat, cereal, oat flakes,
wheat bran, wheat germ, brown rice, brewer's yeast and unrefined molasses.

Inositol is also found in organ meats, such as
brain, heart and liver.


The recommended doses for inositol generally fall in
the range of 6 to 20g per day, with 12g being the more usual dose. It is taken
in divided doses, two to four times a day.

Due to the potential risk of cycling, patients with
bipolar disorder should consult with their physician before supplementing with

Side Effects and Limitations

Inositol is well-tolerated and appears to be quite
safe. Side effects may include: mild decreases in plasma glucose, flatulence
(gas), nausea, sleepiness, insomnia, dizziness and headache. There have been
some case reports of inositol-induced mania in bipolar patients. To date, there
have been no reports of toxicity or drug-drug interactions with inositol.

Inositol supplementation is not recommended for
pregnant women due to the fact that there is a risk of inducing uterine
contractions. It is not known if it is safe for breastfeeding women.

Is Inositol an Effective Treatment for

Inositol is readily available in most health food
stores without a prescription and recommended for the treatment of a variety of
mental disorders, including depression.

Thus far, inositol has mainly been investigated as
an add-on to mood stabilizers and antidepressants for the treatment of the
depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. Findings suggest that it may be at
least somewhat helpful for these patients.

It is not known whether inositol could also help
unipolar depression. Although two studies conducted using unipolar patients had
negative results, their sample sizes were too small to draw any definitive
More research is
still needed to consider Inositol as effective solution for depression relief. The
good thing, however, to come of the trials was that the supplement was absolutely
safe and was not associated with any side effects.

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Sources and Additional

Psychotic Major Depression Symptoms

What is Psychotic Major Depression? -

Its a subset of major depression, where the depression has a co-existing form of psychosis. Its defined as a flawed view of reality.

You may find that some of the symptoms of psychosis include delusions, visual hallucinations or auditory hallucinations.

Psychotic Depression Symptoms -

(1) He/She is concerned that something is terribly wrong with his or her body, will claim that something is wrong with his or her physical health.
(2) Paranoid delusions and delusions of guilt are the most common signs of this illness.
(3) Some of experience delusional guilt believe that they are being punished for past misdeeds.
(4) Word salad or meaningless speech
(5) Schizophrenia are loose associations, flight of ideas and echolalia which is repeating what others say.

Depression with Psychotic Features Treatments -

(1) There are a variety of different medications that are used to treat individuals that suffer from this severe form of depression.
(2) With perfect cures, patients can stabilize the varying moods that the individual experiences.
(3) The medications used for this form of depression include antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, and special neuroleptic medications.

Postpartum Depression Definition Symptoms Quiz

Postpartum Depression Definition -

Post-Partum Depression is a depressive disorder experienced by some women following childbirth.

Post Natal Depression or 'Baby Blues' affects new moms usually within the first few days or weeks after giving birth.

It is a form of clinical depression and can last for a week, months or even a year in some cases.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms -

(1) New mothers might experience feelings of negativity towards their baby and lose interest in their son or daughter
(2) You might find yourself worrying that you are going to hurt your baby all the time
(3) Drastic or sudden weight and appetite changes
(4) Lack of motivation and loss of pleasure
(5) Sleep patterns change, some people might sleep more than usual, some might sleep less than usual
(6) Flirting with suicide, thoughts of suicide and the like
(7) Guilty feelings and feelings of worthlessness

Postpartum Depression Quiz helps us to ascertain whether we are suffering from this disease in the first place or not, and once the fact has been established, and it is found that depression is present, then the depression quiz also helps us ascertain the exact type and symptoms experienced.

How long does Postpartum Depression last -

It could last for many months, might last even up to a whole year. He/She will certainly feel as if this condition will not go away.

Nevertheless, we also need to make an effort to emerge out of our clinical-depression by engaging in healthy behaviors.

Postpartum Depression Exercises Treatments -

Physical exercise, meeting people and keeping yourself busy are a few of the main steps you can take to deal with it.

Control your sleep habits. Retire to bed early during the night and get out of bed early. Try to get up prior to 8 AM in the mornings and go to sleep by 10 or 11 PM during the night.

Make a plan to keep your brain occupied. An empty mind is a devil's workshop and it will continue going over doubts and harmful thoughts. Engage in some beneficial work.

Probiotic Yogurt as Natural Antidepressant

What is Probiotic Yogurt?

Probiotics are a type of “good” bacteria. This particular
bacteria helps strengthening the immune system and improves general digestion
process. The probiotic food can be purchased in any grocery or convenience store.

The cultures in probiotic yogurt work in the intestines and
are symbiotic with your body. These micro-organisms help to fight off the “bad”
bacteria by developing protein that kills it. Note that our bodies do not have
the ability to create these types of bacteria themselves.

Sometimes when we take antibiotics, it is not too selective,
killing both good and bad bacteria in our bodies, probiotic yogurt will help
you to replenish your friendly bacteria.

There are different types of bacteria in these foods such as
Lactobacillus. These are
"friendly" bacteria that normally live in our digestive, urinary, and
genital systems without causing disease and protecting its environment from

It is been proven to be the most effective at helping
improve the immune system and promote good health. One thing to note is that
when you buy a probiotic food is to check and see how much cultures it contain.
You can check this by looking at the label for CFU. CFU is colony forming
units. You want anywhere from one billion to five million in your food or
supplement. You can ask your doctor for more information and what brands he/she

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Probiotic for

While the positive effects of probiotic yogurt on your
health and wellbeing have been already properly researched and documented, the
recent Irish study has found the
first evidence that probiotics benefit brain chemistry as well,
in the treatment of anxiety and depression-related disorders.

For the study, a team of Canadian and Irish researchers
regularly fed one group of mice a broth spiked with a strain of bacteria called
lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1. Other mice were given a bacteria-free broth.

Normally timid creatures, the mice were put through a series
of challenging experiments, such as being placed in a pool of water and forced
to swim. The mice given the bacterial-enhanced diet seemed better able to cope
with the stressful conditions. They showed far less anxiety and depression-like
behavior than the bacteria-deprived rodents.

Blood tests also revealed they had lower levels of the
stress hormone corticosterone flowing through their veins. What’s even more
remarkable is that there was evidence of a change in certain neurochemical
receptors in the brain, according to the findings published in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists say that bacteria in the gut ‘communicate’
with the brain via a nerve called the vagus. “This is the first-ever
demonstration that harmless bacteria, found naturally in the intestine, can
influence mood and behavior in a normal animal,” said John Bienenstock, a
co-author of the study and director of the McMaster Brain-Body Institute at St.
Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton.

Professor John Cryan of University College, Cork, added: “By
affecting gut bacteria, you can have very robust and quite broad-spectrum
effects on brain chemistry and behavior. Without overstating things, this does
open up the concept that we could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric
disorders by targeting the gut”.

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The Canadian researchers, along with their Irish colleagues
at University College Cork, eventually hope to conduct human trials. Much work
needs to be done to prove that what helps mice can also benefit people. And
even if further research establishes that bacteria can provided a lift to those
who are stressed or depressed, it’s unlikely that you would get the same
results from just any brand of yogurt.

Dr. Bienenstock noted the specific strain of lactobacillus
used in the animal experiments is not currently found in commercial yogurts. “Not
all probiotics are the same,” he said. “We tested bacteria that didn’t work. So
these effects are very likely to be strain specific.” That suggests tests would
have to be carried out on individual products to evaluate their mind-altering

So, this is quite promising but mostly forward-looking
approach, requiring additional research and development. As of today, you still
have to choose more traditional ways dealing with your depression.

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Premature babies have most common breathing difficulties found -

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Idiopathic RDS
Hyaline Membrane Disease

RDS main cause is a lack of surfactant which is a substance that keeps the lungs of the premature baby open so that she is able to continue breathing.

It coats the air sacks inside the lungs allowing the release of carbon dioxide and the absorption of oxygen into the lungs to then be absorbed into the blood.

Surfactant is produced naturally by normal healthy mature lungs and a premature baby's body is too immature to produce this important thick liquid. Lungs mature very late in gestation and the earlier a premature baby is born the greater the problems that may arise.

When severe respiratory distress develops fairly acutely in a previously healthy person as a result of edema in the interstitium and alveoli it is termed ARDS.

This disorder is known by several names such as shock lung, wet lung, etc, since it may accompany different conditions such as shock, septicemia, inhalation of irritant gases etc.

The risk of RDS in the newborn can be assessed antenatally by the estimation of lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L/S) in the amniotic fluid. Administration of corticosteroids to the mother before delivery reduces the risk of RDS in the newborn.

Ayurvedic medicines for Respiratory Depression Symptoms can be used to improve treatment outcomes in ARDS and increase the chances for survival and a complete recovery. Since these patients are seriously ill, all medicines have to be fine-powdered and administered through a naso-gastric tube, along with honey and milk.

Whipping therapy – remedy for depression and suicide prevention

This controversial depression treatment approach called whipping therapy may
indeed have some valid effect explanation; however, it is hard to expect that
it will ever be used in our society due to the borderline ethical issues. Even
the research arrangement for the statement validation would be problematic.

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Let’s review the approach description from the Russian developers,
published in once the most famous Soviet newspaper Pravda (Truth):  

Russian scientists from the city of Novosibirsk, Siberia,
made a sensational report at the international conference devoted to new
methods of treatment and rehabilitation in narcology. The report was called
“Methods of painful impact to treat addictive behavior.”

Siberian scientists believe that addiction to alcohol and
narcotics, as well as depression, suicidal thoughts and psychosomatic diseases
occur when an individual loses his or her interest in life. The absence of the
will to live is caused with decreasing production of endorphins - the
substance, which is known as the hormone of happiness. If a depressed
individual receives a physical punishment, whipping that is, it will stir up
endorphin receptors, activate the “production of happiness” and eventually
remove depressive feelings.

Russian scientists recommend the following course of the
whipping therapy: 30 sessions of 60 whips on the buttocks in every procedure. A
group of drug addicts volunteered to test the new method of treatment: the
results can be described as good and excellent.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sergei Speransky, is a
very well known figure in Novosibirsk. The doctor became one of the authors of
the shocking whipping therapy. The professor used the self-flagellation method
to cure his own depression; he also recovered from two heart attacks with the
help of physical tortures too.

”The whipping therapy becomes much more efficient when a patient
receives the punishment from a person of the opposite sex. The effect is
astounding: the patient starts seeing only bright colors in the surrounding
world, the heartache disappears, although it will take a certain time for the
buttocks to heal, of course,” Sergei Speransky told the Izvestia newspaper.

The whipping therapy has not become a new discovery in
the history of medicine. Tibetan monks widely used it for medical purposes too.
Soviet specialists used a special method of torturing therapy at mental
hospitals. They made injections of brimstone and peach oil mixture to inspire
mentally unbalanced patience with a will to live. A patient would suffer from
horrible pain in the body after such an injection, but he or she would change
their attitude to life for the better afterwards.

”People might probably think of me as a masochist,” Dr.
Speransky said. “But I can assure you that I am not a classic masochist at
all,” he added.

The revolutionary method may take the Russian healthcare
to a whole new level. The method is cheap and highly efficient, as its authors
assure. Why not using something more efficient, a rack, for example?

This is the only original article on the whipping,
which I was able to find in the English sources. Everything else looks more
like humorous commentaries and reference to Masochism and sexual minorities’
weirdness. So, I checked the source in Russian Internet to see if that is not
April Joke, and the related therapeutic approach has been indeed tested and

No, there are many Russian posts on the topic, and
that does not seem to be a joke. Sergei Speransky claims that has not invented
the whipping therapy method. About 40 years ago, in the home library of his
older sister, Dr. Speransky found a German medical book, describing the
prosperous medical institution in pre-First World War Germany, where many
diseases, and not just neuro-psychological, were successfully cured by whipping.

The idea has been idle for long, before Dr.
Speransky got affected by severe depression himself, triggered by personal
stressful life events. He applied self-whipping approach, and miracle cure
came, when he got substantial improvement in his health conditions, what all
other scientific traditional approaches failed to achieve.

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Dr. Speransky has not even expected the recovery
will be so drastic and so fast, so he started to look for volunteers wishing to
try this therapeutic approach as well. The next person, who has agreed to participate
in the trial, was 50-years-old T., having difficulties to recover from stroke –
half of his body was paralyzed, and he was unable to speak. The whipping
procedure has been performed on a weekly base under supervision of the several
specialists. After the 8th treatment, the patient returned to work. Его было тогда пятьдесят лет. Now it's
almost a healthy man: he is walking with slight limp, but his speech and memory
has been fully restored. The only reminder on this devastating medical
condition is unstable blood pressure. Вот
только давление не вполне нормализовалось

So, how Dr. Speransky explains the method
effectiveness? The mechanism is simple: the marks of flogging trigger
activation of the body internal immune forces. And there is not much difference
for the white blood cells where to apply the healing effect: on bruises on your
ass, or on scars on the heart. They do both tasks simultaneously. In addition
to the physical disorders, whipping therapy is efficient for treatments of the
following: alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, and other psychosomatic
diseases. Это все уход от жизни, утрата
вкуса к ней.

In a way, depression means going away from the real
life to the internal world of sadness, and losing taste of the real life,
caused by reduction in "happiness hormones" А если такого человека как следует выпороть, у него
активируются эндорфиновые рецепторы, происходит выброс эндорфинов и
возвращается вкус к
production – endorphins. The whipping activates
endorphin receptors; endorphins are released to the blood stream, and the person finds a
new interest in real life. If you never experienced pain, you cannot learn on
how to live without it! К сожалению, у
многих упоминание о порке вызывает скаберзное хихиканье.

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Some guidelines for the whipping therapy:

  • The patient
    should be mentally ready for the procedure and should understand its
    mechanism and background. Do not try to use it for people, who are not
    prepared for it, and who might still consider it humiliating.

  • The effect
    is usually amplified in the event that the procedure does a person of the
    opposite sex. Мужчина — женщине, и
    The recommendation
    might be routed in the traditional cultural sexism, which is still flourishing
    in the Russian society.

  • The
    recommended course is 30 procedures, 60 strokes each time with one 15
    minutes rest in the middle of the process.

  • Strikes
    should be applied to the buttocks, taking in consideration a personal physical
    build, with constant monitoring of the affect and patent conditions.

  • The method
    is not applicable for children and teenagers’ treatment, as they may not
    be psychologically ready for this approach, and may perceive it as
    preventive punishment.

To my surprise, whipping therapy (called “porko-therapy”)
is gaining popularity among Russian therapists. Some of them have already
officially included it in the treatment plans, and report amazingly good
results of the applied treatment courses.

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The closest you can find to the whipping therapy in
the Western society is so-called spanking therapy. But, do not mix these two.
Spanking therapy is usually related to the sexual games, and does not claim in
most cases to have a clinical therapeutic effect on the patients. There are,
however, the first attempts, to apply the therapy for the wellbeing
improvement. For example, holistic center in Washington, DC, Spanking for Wellness,
is helping its patients to achieve wellness through positive spanking experiences.
Their philosophy of positive spanking encompasses spanking experiences which
are geared toward personal growth, wholeness and healing, emotional, physical,
spiritual and psychological well being, and that which fosters deep connection
and mutual respect in family environment. We claim to have good success record
in using spanking for stress reduction/relaxation and releasing blocked
emotions as well as changing negative behavior patterns that the client wishes
to transform.

You are skeptical? Me too. But, is there a big
difference between whipping or spanking therapy and highly intrusive Korean
massage? Really, not much… But nobody will even think laughing on the statement
that Korean massage is good for your physical and emotional state.

И не только

and Additional Information:

Respiratory Depression Symptoms Definition

The miracle of opioid pain relief is fatally limited by tolerance, addiction and Respiratory System Depression.

Opioids cause respiratory depression in the individual as it affects the specialized respiratory neurons in the brain.

Along with the common adverse effects, opioids have many possible uncommon adverse effects.

Uncommon or infrequent adverse reactions in opioid abusers include dose-related respiratory depression, bad dreams, hallucinations, seizures, urticaria, urinary retention etc.

Smell of alcohol or kerosene, severe respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, convulsions, constricted pupil, Cardiac arrhythmia's etc.

Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of Opiates.

Toxic effects of nalorphine include respiratory depression, hypertension, drowsiness and hypothermia.

Signs of increasing magnesium levels are hypotension, nausea, vomiting, depressed reflexes, respiratory depression, and coma.

Any analgesic capable of causing respiratory depression should be avoided if patient already shows any signs of respiratory impairment.

The program undergoes new inclusions and revisions on information on how to treat respiratory depression in infants at the time of birth.

Effects on central nervous system include drowsiness, coma, convulsions, and vomiting.

Hematoma Treatments - Let's Cure it Perfectly

Hematoma - Its medical term for collection of blood under the skin, and in the muscle or inside an organ.

Usually, the blood tends to collect when blood vessels rupture.

It can occur in any part of the body, and therefore, there are many kinds of hematomas.

The most serious kind is the one that develops inside the brain, can occur in any part of it, based on the location of the hematoma, it is named.

Generally, It occurs when a person sustains a traumatic injury on the soft tissue of the body.

It has been seen that people who have weak blood vessels are more prone to developing hematomas.

The skin often gets discolored and may appear bluish or black in color.

The site of the hematoma will be painful and inflamed. When a hematoma occurs in the brain, it may or may not causes symptoms.

However, after a few days of sustaining the injury, the person may complain of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dilation of pupils, and drowsiness.

The treatment for hematoma is dependent on the type of hematoma, its size and its location. If the hematoma is superficial, then it may not require any treatment as it generally heals on its own in a few days time.

To alleviate the pain, ice packs can be applied to injury site many times a day. This will also facilitate the healing process. In case the hematoma occurs in the leg, then ice pack will help, but the person should restrict the movement of the affected leg.

Putting a compression bandage on the injury site will facilitate in the blood being resorbed by the body.

In case the hematoma is large, then a surgical procedure would have to be conducted to drain out the blood. This is also true for hematomas that develop after an invasive surgery.

If the hematoma is present within the soft tissue of the brain, it is treated as a medical emergency. If the size of the hematoma is small, then the patient will be carefully monitored as the hematoma is often resorbed by the body without any medical treatment.

However, if the hematoma does not disappear on its own in a few days time, then a small surgical procedure is necessary. The neurosurgeon will drill a small opening in the skull and suck out the accumulated blood through the hole.

However, if the hematoma is located in the dura, then craniotomy is required where the skull is surgically opened to remove the accumulated blood.

CES Depression Scale for Android

The new application for Android smart phone
brings the professional depression evaluating questionnaire Center
of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)
, based on scale from the

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The CES-D scale is a short
self-report scale designed to measure depressive symptomatology
in the general population. The items of the scale are symptoms
associated with depression which have been used in previously
validated longer scales. The scale was tested in household
interview surveys and in psychiatric settings. It was found to
have very high internal consistency and adequate test- retest repeatability.
Validity was established by patterns of correlations with other
self-report measures, by correlations with clinical ratings of
depression, and by relationships with other variables which
support its construct validity. Reliability, validity, and
factor structure were similar across a wide variety of demographic
characteristics in the general population samples tested.

The CES-D was developed in the 1970s by Lenore Radloff while she was a
researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health. Almost 85% of those
found to have depression after an in-depth structured interview with a
psychiatrist will have a high score on the CESD. However, about 20% of those
who score high on the CESD will have rapid resolution of their symptoms and not
meet full criteria for major or clinical depression.

Main Features:

* Simple, quick,
20-question scale to assess for the presence of depression/depressive

*Save scores, to view any trends over time.

*Backup data to SD card and email.


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Rating: 3.4 out of 5 (from 46 reviews)

Cost: Free (advertising).

Depression Application for Android from AppCounselor

If you possess
Android smart phone, the handy tool to assist you coping with depression can be
always with you. Depression app will help you to learn skills to reduce your
depression and diminish devastating effects of its symptoms.

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All material, presented for the app development was written by a licensed
psychotherapist (LCSW) with twenty-five years of counseling experience.

At the first step, the app will help to assess your emotional condition. You
first rate the intensity of your depressive symptoms on a color coded scale
from 1 (slightly upset) to 10 (extremely depressed). If you rate your
depression at level 8 or below, the app will proceed to the Change Thoughts
Menu. From the Change Thoughts Menu, select one or more of the strategies for
changing your thoughts. Changing your feelings by changing your thoughts is the
basis of cognitive
behavioral psychotherapy (CBT)
, the most widely practiced evidence based
method of treatment. When ready, proceed to Step 2.

If you rate your depression as a 9 or 10 (very or extremely depressed), you
will be brought to the Safety Screen that will assist you with suggestions for
maintaining safety. After that screen, you can proceed to the Change Thoughts
menu to choose additional exercises. When you have completed the thought
changing strategies of your choice, proceed to Step 2.

In Step 2 select methods for making Lifestyle Changes that will reduce

After following the instructions for the Lifestyle Changes, you then move to
the third set of skills in Step 3 Stress Management, where you will select one
of ten different relaxation strategies for managing stress.

After implementing those skills, you rate the level of depression again in Step
4 to determine if the skills you chose were effective for you. If the level of
the depression has not reduced sufficiently, you will be given the opportunity
to try again, selecting a different skill set.


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Cost: $0.99

Natural Weight Loss Supplements that work Improved Ways 2012

Improved way of Natural Weight Loss Supplements is one that shapes our body in less time by doing right things on right time.

Improved way of Natural Diet Pills is not only give you the innovative experience of doing things in different manner but also helps your body will be in shape and it will define the body of every women in curve.

Only doing diet control will not help you in making your body in silhouette but it need to take care of every human body should do diet control, taking regular healthy products which should include all the necessary things in a complete diet food as well doing some physical work will make you very active and fit.

Everyone want to look attractive and beautiful now a days but first they have to think about their personality because it is very important to look perfect and smart for that we just need to see how we are taking care of our body and physique.

Doing exercise and proper diet is not sufficient one thing more that you have to take is enhancement of energy like some supplements that helps your body to do certain things and control your rates for metabolism.

One important thing that should be kept in our mind is water.

Pure Water plays an important role in our body and helps to fight every disease and bad health conditions.

Vitamin, protein, calcium and other things that our body required is necessary that’s why diet control and proper diet plays a important role in every human body.

You can also visit my other articles like,

Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss

Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss

Symptoms Of Tuberculosis

Symptoms Of Tuberculosis, d symptoms, the reason the tuberculosis research and infectious diseases because of the fact that it is due to a reason for very active bacteria, which is actually transmitted through the air whenever a person sneezing or of the matter of fact coughing.

Symptoms Of Tuberculosis

A person can be exposed to this type of bacteria by inhaling these bacteria only from a very small amount of tuberculosis germs. Tuberculosis can be very harmful for children, and even in the elder people, tuberculosis can actually leave the lungs in a very bad condition, and can make you take a lot of medicine do so in case you have to be treated from such a disease.

Tuberculosis has a lot of symptoms, and most of them revolve around a recurring coughing that can also come up with blood, in the latter stages. The recurring cough which is actually happening to you, without any rhyme or reason of any dust allergy or any other sort of infection, can be the shores of symptom of you getting tuberculosis. Getting an x-ray of your lungs, as well as going to medical practitioner and getting all the help and the drugs that are required for this treatment can be a very good way for you to getting tuberculosis treated and destroyed from your body

Omega-3 Fatty Acids against Depression

Clinical Case

This post on the potential benefits of Omega-3 for depression treatment
we will start from the clinical case review. While once case does not prove the
solution is efficient, it will give some insight on how it can help, at least
in one stand-alone case.

21-year-old male student with a 7-year history of unremitting depressive
symptoms has been admitted for trial of the Omega-3 in his treatment plan. At
age 19 years, pharmacotherapy was commenced owing to increasing illness severity,
with prominent low self-esteem, insomnia, sadness, inner tension, poor
appetite, poor concentration, increasing social phobia, lethargy, pessimistic thoughts,
and suicidal thoughts. During the following year there was no response to a
variety of antidepressants, hypnotics, and antipsychotic medication; his condition
continued to deteriorate. A 2-month trial involving the addition of lithium
carbonate to his anti-depressant treatment was unsuccessful.

The patient was then referred to one of the trial developers Basant K. Puri, Hammersmith Hospital,
London. At this time, he was actively suicidal, although he had been taking paroxetine
hydrochloride (20-30 mg/d) for
10 months. His symptoms met the DSM-IV criteria for “major depressive disorder, recurrent.” His score on the Montgomery-Asberg
Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)
was 32. Owing to very good parental support,
it was decided not to admit the patient compulsorily to the hospital, despite
the severity of his illness and the very high suicide risk. He agreed to take pure
ethyl-EPA at a dose of 4 g/d (Omega-3 part).

Administration of ethyl-EPA led to a rapid improvement, including
cessation of the previously unremitting severe suicidal ideation, within 1
month. Social phobia also improved dramatically. There was a progressive
benefit, and after 9 months, his symptoms had disappeared altogether, giving
the patient a MADRS score of zero. Both he and his mother reported how different
he had become. He no longer had any suicidal thoughts and was actively making
plans for his future studies and career. The patient reported no adverse effects
of the medication.

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While the case results are very impressing, the one success story cannot
be accepted as background for practical recommendations to include Omega-3
Fatty Acids in your daily diet, especially if you do have depression. However, this
suggestion is getting more and more scientific validation from the respectable

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of good fat which is required for normal
brain function. Our bodies can't make omega-3s on their own, so we must obtain
them through our diet. Studies have linked depression with low dietary intake
of omega-3 fatty acids. In countries with higher fish consumption, such as
Japan and Taiwan, the depression rate is 10 times lower than in North American.
Postpartum depression is also less common.

Latest studies suggest that people whose diets contain dramatically more
of one kind of polyunsaturated fatty acid than another may be at greater risk
for both clinical depression and certain inflammatory diseases. For example, the
report, published 2007 in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, suggests
that we need to balance out our intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The
current typical American diet contains 20 times more omega-6 than omega-3, a
ratio that researchers say should be lowered to 4-to-1, or even 2-to-1.

Also, multiple studies suggest that omega-3's together with antidepressants
may be much more effective than antidepressants alone.

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How Does EPA Work?

EPA is part of the Omega
3 chain of ecosanoids and is most commonly found in fatty fish such as fresh
salmon, mackerel, pilchards and sardines.
While the benefits of high grade EPA have been well
documented, the scientific community still don t know exactly how EPA works on
the brain. One theory released by Dr Basant Puri (lead developer of the
clinical trial, we mentioned earlier) is that it eases the passage of the
signals over the tiny gaps in the brain called synapses. Another theory was
that the high grade EPA actually worked similarly to lithium and had
anti-depressant properties of its own.

Until recently it was widely accepted in the medical community that once
a human reached maturity that the adult brain could not grow anymore. However, a
paper, released by Dr. Puri, proves that was inaccurate. Dr. Puri scanned a 21
year patient before treating him with high grade Pure EPA. After the course of
treatment he rescanned the young man, only to find that the grey matter of the
brain had increased in size.

There is also a theory
that omega-3 fatty acids are of great assistance to neuronal membranes.
Omega-3 fatty acids can alter membrane fluidity by displacing cholesterol from
the membrane. An optimal fluidity, influenced by EFAs, is required for
neurotransmitter binding and the signaling within the cell. EFAs can act as
sources for second messengers within and between neurons

fatty acids may
also have significant influence in major depression via cytokine modulation. A
growing body of research has documented an association between depression and
the production these proinflammatory immune chemicals.
Psychological stress can
cause an elevation of these cytokines.
And Omega-3 fatty acids, and EPA in particular, are
well documented inhibitors of proinflammatory cytokines


Cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies are the richest
food source of omega-3 fatty acids. But instead of eating more fish which
contain mercury, PCBs, and other chemicals, fish oil capsules are considered a
cleaner source of omega-3 fatty acids. Many companies filter their fish oil so
that these chemicals are removed.

Fish oil capsules are sold in health food stores, drug stores, and
online. Most brands should be stored in the fridge to prevent the oil from
going rancid. When comparing brands, the key active components for depression
are EPA and DHA.

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Stoll, Ph.D., Harvard researcher on Omega 3 and depression recommends 4 grams
of EPA per day for those with depression. The advice of 4 grams of EPA fish oil
for depression each day is quite a bit but important to refill what has been
missing in our diet.

Generally, practitioners are recommending 2-4 grams of EPA a day.


Fish oil capsules may interact with blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin
and aspirin. Side effects may include indigestion and bleeding. Fish oil should
not be taken 2 weeks before or after surgery. Fish oil can also cause a fishy
aftertaste. To prevent this, try taking the fish oil just before meals.

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Sources and Additional Recommendations:

Pomegranate Juice Benefits Nutrition

Pomegranate is a fruit originating from the Middle East. It is used as folk medicine in many cultures. It is cultivated in many countries such as Japan, Afghanistan, Russia, India and China.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate continued to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits Nutrition -

(1) It may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.Pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart.

It keeps bad cholesterol from forming, and thus, may help keep the arteries clear of clots.

(2) It may help support the body's normal defense in the prevention of certain cancers. Since It has very high levels of antioxidant called "flavenoids" that is thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer-causing radicals.

(3) It may help reduce the risks for illnesses such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.

(4) It is a rich source of various vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.

(5) It may helps to slow down the aging process and beneficial in maintaining the elasticity/health of your skin

(6) Prevention of breast cancer from being formed. This juice has positively reduces lung cancer risks and it also slows down the possibility of prostate cancer. The juice also benefits the brain and it slows down the possibility of Alzheimer's disease. Drinking the juice of pomegranate juice also immensely benefits the neonatal brain of the unborn child.

Does Extensive Internet Use Cause Depression?

There are several studies, recently performed,
suggesting that people who are prone to the Internet addiction and use it a lot,
have a high tendency to get depressed. There is still inconclusive what comes
first: depression causes people to withdraw from the real life and to turn to
the Internet to fill personal needs in the social interactions, or excessive
use of the Internet “makes” people more depressed.

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Addiction Disorder

The growing body of research in the area of
addiction suggests that Internet Addiction Disorder, a psycho-physiological
disorder involving tolerance; withdrawal symptoms; affective disturbances; and
interruption of social relationships, is a presenting problem that is becoming
more common in society as on-line usage increases by the day.

To be diagnosed as having Internet Addiction
Disorder, a person must meet certain criteria as prescribed by the American
Psychiatric Association. Three or more of these criteria must be present at any
time during a twelve month period:

  1. Tolerance:  This refers to the need for increasing
amounts of time on the Internet to achieve satisfaction and/or significantly
diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on the

2.  Two or
more withdrawal symptoms developing within days to one month after reduction of
Internet use or cessation of Internet use (i.e., quitting cold turkey), and
these must cause distress or impair social, personal or occupational
functioning. These include: psychomotor agitation, i.e. trembling, tremors;
anxiety; obsessive thinking about what is happening on the Internet; fantasies
or dreams about the Internet; voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the

3.  Use of the
Internet is engaged in to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.

4.  The
Internet is often accessed more often, or for longer periods of time than was intended. 

5.  A
significant amount of time is spent in activities related to Internet use (e.g.,
Internet books, trying out new World Wide Web browsers, researching Internet
vendors, etc.).

6.  Important
social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced
because of Internet use. 

7. The individual risks the loss of a significant
relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of excessive use
of the Internet.


In latest researches, other characteristics have
been identified.  The first is feelings
of restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or stop Internet
use. The second is that the Internet is used as a way of escaping problems or
relieving feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression. The third
characteristic is that the user lies to family members or friends to conceal
the extent of involvement with the Internet. And, finally, the user returns
repeatedly despite excessive fees.

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University Study, 2010

Psychologists from Leeds University found what they
said was “striking” evidence that some avid net users develop compulsive
internet habits in which they replace real-life social interaction with online
chat rooms and social networking sites.

“This study reinforces the public speculation that
over-engaging in websites that serve to replace normal social function might be
linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction,” the study’s
lead author, Catriona Morrison, wrote in the journal Psychopathology. “This
type of addictive surfing can have a serious impact on mental health.”

In the first large-scale study of Western young
people to look at this issue, the researchers analyzed internet use and
depression levels of 1,319 Britons aged between 16 and 51. Of these, 1.2
percent were "internet addicted", they concluded. These
"internet addicts" spent proportionately more time browsing sexually
gratifying websites, online gaming sites and online communities, Morrison said.
They also had a higher incidence of moderate to severe depression than normal

Limitations of the current study include the usual
problems we see in studies like this. First, it was not a randomized,
controlled sample — a significant problem with so many “Internet addiction”
studies. Instead the researchers posted a questionnaire online and received
responses from 1,319 Britons aged between 16 and 51. Of those 1,319 people, 18
— yes, that’s eighteen — met the criteria for “Internet addiction” using
the Internet Addiction Test. So, if you are addicted to Internet, but that does
not cause you major inconvenience and lifestyle impairment, you can be sure,
you would not get in the group of selected individuals.

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In another recent study, which results were published
in August 2010, otherwise healthy Chinese teenagers were examined.
Researchers interviewed 1,041 children, asking about the
amount of time they were in the Internet, how often they felt depressed or
moody when they were offline, which goes away when they log back online. About
six percent of these children were considered to be pathological Internet users
and “at risk.” Researchers found out that nine months later, the “at risk” kids
were two and half times more likely to have symptoms of clinical depression. Dr
Lawrence Lam, of the School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia, the lead
researcher for this study, said: 'This result suggests that young people who
are initially free of mental health problems but use the internet
pathologically could develop depression as a consequence”.

One more 2010 study found that those who used the
Internet 3 to 5 times a week to find information about their health conditions
had significantly higher symptoms of depression than those who only did so
occasionally. So, this study gives another insight on the dependency between
Internet use and depression. People who may have maniacal worries on their
health conditions, one of the wide spread phobia, frequently turn their efforts
to find the necessary information on the Web.

Earlier study of 1998 tried to find the causal
relationship between Internet addiction and depression: does the Internet cause
the mental illness, or does mental illness lead people to abuse the Internet?
Researchers approached the concept by providing Internet access to 169 people
who previously had not been able to log on from home. The researchers reported
in American Psychologist that the more time these people spent online, the less
time they spent with their families, the smaller their social circles became
and the more depressed and lonely they felt.

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How the Internet May Cause Depression

While these studies seem alarming, experts are quick
to point out that depression has
only been linked to pathological users of the Internet, those with Internet
addiction, not the average, everyday user.

“One simple factor is that pathological Internet
users are not sleeping correctly,” says Joseph Garbely, DO, chief medical
officer of Friends Hospital in Philadelphia. “They get less sleep because
they’re pathologically using the Internet. They’re also not eating right, not
connecting in a healthy way to people (face to face), in socially acceptable
ways. They’re getting lost in gaming and fantasy on the Internet, so they’re
engaged in secretive behavior.”

With increased frequency, these activities lead
Internet abusers down the path to depression, says Frank Barnhill, MD, a
board-certified family physician and author of Mistaken for ADHD. “Any
activity that limits a person’s interaction with others, with different
environments or settings and with acceptable social customs, will lead to
social deprivation syndrome. Persons suffering social deprivation develop
irritability, mood swings, poor concentration, increased restlessness, possible
aggressive behavior and impulsivity, and relationship problems.”

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Nobody can object the statement that Internet brings
multiple positive changes to lives of many people. It can help in all segments
of our personal life and business. It is a very useful tool, and as every tool,
it can be abused. When you start feeling that virtual life of Internet is more interesting,
safe, and lovely, than the real life, it is time to stop and look around. You definitely
miss the point, letting the real life, real entertainment, real love, and real
friendship to pass by. Use Internet as much as you need, but be FREE from

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