Does Extensive Internet Use Cause Depression?

There are several studies, recently performed,
suggesting that people who are prone to the Internet addiction and use it a lot,
have a high tendency to get depressed. There is still inconclusive what comes
first: depression causes people to withdraw from the real life and to turn to
the Internet to fill personal needs in the social interactions, or excessive
use of the Internet “makes” people more depressed.

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Addiction Disorder

The growing body of research in the area of
addiction suggests that Internet Addiction Disorder, a psycho-physiological
disorder involving tolerance; withdrawal symptoms; affective disturbances; and
interruption of social relationships, is a presenting problem that is becoming
more common in society as on-line usage increases by the day.

To be diagnosed as having Internet Addiction
Disorder, a person must meet certain criteria as prescribed by the American
Psychiatric Association. Three or more of these criteria must be present at any
time during a twelve month period:

  1. Tolerance:  This refers to the need for increasing
amounts of time on the Internet to achieve satisfaction and/or significantly
diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on the

2.  Two or
more withdrawal symptoms developing within days to one month after reduction of
Internet use or cessation of Internet use (i.e., quitting cold turkey), and
these must cause distress or impair social, personal or occupational
functioning. These include: psychomotor agitation, i.e. trembling, tremors;
anxiety; obsessive thinking about what is happening on the Internet; fantasies
or dreams about the Internet; voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the

3.  Use of the
Internet is engaged in to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.

4.  The
Internet is often accessed more often, or for longer periods of time than was intended. 

5.  A
significant amount of time is spent in activities related to Internet use (e.g.,
Internet books, trying out new World Wide Web browsers, researching Internet
vendors, etc.).

6.  Important
social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced
because of Internet use. 

7. The individual risks the loss of a significant
relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of excessive use
of the Internet.


In latest researches, other characteristics have
been identified.  The first is feelings
of restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or stop Internet
use. The second is that the Internet is used as a way of escaping problems or
relieving feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression. The third
characteristic is that the user lies to family members or friends to conceal
the extent of involvement with the Internet. And, finally, the user returns
repeatedly despite excessive fees.

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University Study, 2010

Psychologists from Leeds University found what they
said was “striking” evidence that some avid net users develop compulsive
internet habits in which they replace real-life social interaction with online
chat rooms and social networking sites.

“This study reinforces the public speculation that
over-engaging in websites that serve to replace normal social function might be
linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction,” the study’s
lead author, Catriona Morrison, wrote in the journal Psychopathology. “This
type of addictive surfing can have a serious impact on mental health.”

In the first large-scale study of Western young
people to look at this issue, the researchers analyzed internet use and
depression levels of 1,319 Britons aged between 16 and 51. Of these, 1.2
percent were "internet addicted", they concluded. These
"internet addicts" spent proportionately more time browsing sexually
gratifying websites, online gaming sites and online communities, Morrison said.
They also had a higher incidence of moderate to severe depression than normal

Limitations of the current study include the usual
problems we see in studies like this. First, it was not a randomized,
controlled sample — a significant problem with so many “Internet addiction”
studies. Instead the researchers posted a questionnaire online and received
responses from 1,319 Britons aged between 16 and 51. Of those 1,319 people, 18
— yes, that’s eighteen — met the criteria for “Internet addiction” using
the Internet Addiction Test. So, if you are addicted to Internet, but that does
not cause you major inconvenience and lifestyle impairment, you can be sure,
you would not get in the group of selected individuals.

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In another recent study, which results were published
in August 2010, otherwise healthy Chinese teenagers were examined.
Researchers interviewed 1,041 children, asking about the
amount of time they were in the Internet, how often they felt depressed or
moody when they were offline, which goes away when they log back online. About
six percent of these children were considered to be pathological Internet users
and “at risk.” Researchers found out that nine months later, the “at risk” kids
were two and half times more likely to have symptoms of clinical depression. Dr
Lawrence Lam, of the School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia, the lead
researcher for this study, said: 'This result suggests that young people who
are initially free of mental health problems but use the internet
pathologically could develop depression as a consequence”.

One more 2010 study found that those who used the
Internet 3 to 5 times a week to find information about their health conditions
had significantly higher symptoms of depression than those who only did so
occasionally. So, this study gives another insight on the dependency between
Internet use and depression. People who may have maniacal worries on their
health conditions, one of the wide spread phobia, frequently turn their efforts
to find the necessary information on the Web.

Earlier study of 1998 tried to find the causal
relationship between Internet addiction and depression: does the Internet cause
the mental illness, or does mental illness lead people to abuse the Internet?
Researchers approached the concept by providing Internet access to 169 people
who previously had not been able to log on from home. The researchers reported
in American Psychologist that the more time these people spent online, the less
time they spent with their families, the smaller their social circles became
and the more depressed and lonely they felt.

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How the Internet May Cause Depression

While these studies seem alarming, experts are quick
to point out that depression has
only been linked to pathological users of the Internet, those with Internet
addiction, not the average, everyday user.

“One simple factor is that pathological Internet
users are not sleeping correctly,” says Joseph Garbely, DO, chief medical
officer of Friends Hospital in Philadelphia. “They get less sleep because
they’re pathologically using the Internet. They’re also not eating right, not
connecting in a healthy way to people (face to face), in socially acceptable
ways. They’re getting lost in gaming and fantasy on the Internet, so they’re
engaged in secretive behavior.”

With increased frequency, these activities lead
Internet abusers down the path to depression, says Frank Barnhill, MD, a
board-certified family physician and author of Mistaken for ADHD. “Any
activity that limits a person’s interaction with others, with different
environments or settings and with acceptable social customs, will lead to
social deprivation syndrome. Persons suffering social deprivation develop
irritability, mood swings, poor concentration, increased restlessness, possible
aggressive behavior and impulsivity, and relationship problems.”

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Nobody can object the statement that Internet brings
multiple positive changes to lives of many people. It can help in all segments
of our personal life and business. It is a very useful tool, and as every tool,
it can be abused. When you start feeling that virtual life of Internet is more interesting,
safe, and lovely, than the real life, it is time to stop and look around. You definitely
miss the point, letting the real life, real entertainment, real love, and real
friendship to pass by. Use Internet as much as you need, but be FREE from

and Additional Information:

Urticaria Treatments Types

What is Urticaria?

Its an annoying form of allergy that is caused by an adverse reaction to an external stimulus.

While treatable, It can be challenging to both the patient and the doctor because the cause is not often easy to identify.

Cholinergic Urticaria -

This form of skin hives is fairly common out of all of the different forms of chronic urticaria. It's been estimated that about 11% of chronic urticaria sufferers will have cholinergic urticaria. It's main trigger is outside heat causing an internal rise in body temperature. Emotional stress is also a major contributor, but cholinergic urticaria is often times also known as exercise induced hives, because physical activities like yard work or hitting the gym can also bring it on.

Chronic Urticaria -

Its condition that causes hives to develop on the skin. The skin reaction is characterized by pale and slightly raised wheals or swelling, which is often surrounded by redness with borders that are clearly defined.

Commonly the skin condition is triggered by insect bites, stings from bees, or foods such as nuts, peanuts, shellfish, or eggs.

Aquagenic Urticaria -

Its until now was a major problem even to doctors, researches and the biological institutions. It was a major hurdle in development itself and until now was incurable.

Solar Urticaria -

Its rare condition, which until recently couldn't be treated, very complex disorder, and it's still not clear what is causing it exactly.

Amino Acid is not easy to find because it is present in very few natural substances.

Regarding solar urticaria treatment which is an example of auto-immune diseases, must inform as much as you can and follow the prescriptions of the doctor completely.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Diabetes Weight Loss

Benefits of Cinnamon -

It has many purposes and has an unbelievable benefits including brain health, preventing ulcers and of course cinnamon for weight loss.

It has ability to make the body more insulin resistant.

It has been shown to help keep blood sugar levels stable and recommends to diabetics to help control their insulin levels.

I read lots online positive reviews from many people who already used cinnamon supplements had better blood sugar balance than those who only received prescription supplements for this condition.

The active ingredient in from it which known as "cinnaldehyde" helps to prevent blood platelet clotting which protects the heart.

Anti inflammatory effect makes very heart healthy spice to incorporate into your diet.

Now a days you can buy easily it in many different forms likes,

Cinnamon Sticks, Powder without the sugar, Tea Bags etc.

It has a very distinct taste and you may find it hard to get used to the sugar free so its an idea to move slowly from the sugary one to the sugar free. One and half teaspoon of powder daily can also lower cholesterol and keep you feeling healthy.

Cinnamon Bread -

This type of delicious bread that can be used as a dessert or a breakfast. It is also sometimes called Monkey Bread.If you want to have a nice added touch, make some powdered sugar glaze and drizzle over the bread.

Cinnamon Cupcakes -

With delicious cupcake recipe that is also very impressive to serve at a dinner party or upcoming holiday event. The cupcake is cinnamon, then I dug out the center and filled it with caramel and then topped them with vanilla butter cream frosting.

Hinduism Views on Unhappiness and Clinical Depression

Hindu Science of Mind and Body

Hindus see physical matter as a
manifestation or product of consciousness whereas in modern science,
consciousness is a product of the physical brain. This has implications
for psychology.  A western psychiatrist might look for the cause of depression,
and find that in depressed people, particular chemicals in the brain are out of
balance. He would therefore conclude that the depression is caused by the
imbalance of the brain’s chemicals, and that it can be corrected with
medication that will balance those chemicals. The Hindu however would be
more inclined to conclude that it is the depression which has caused the
chemical imbalance. In order to treat the depression, another cause must
be sought. Treating that cause of the depression and alleviating it will
then result in the balancing of the chemicals. This does not mean that Hindus
would necessarily be opposed to taking prescription medications for depression.

Hindus differentiate between mind and consciousness. The mind is a
supersubtle material which is used by the consciousness to perceive physical
reality. Mind (manas) is the lowest level of the 3-layered consciousness
(citta). The practice of yoga aims to calm the mind, which is otherwise in
constant flux, thereby enabling the citta to unite with pure being (sat) and
leading to the ultimate bliss (ananda).  While the body and mind are
instruments of knowledge, they need to be quieted in order to arrive at true
knowing. The mind is seen as a mediator between subject and object, and it
cannot by itself truly experience the object as it is in itself. Hindu
spiritual practices therefore attempt to still the mind to enable true
knowledge. It is assumed that the rishis (seers) of the tradition successfully
attained that true vision.

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How to Fight Depression?

In the article
“Hinduism and Depression,” Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami confirms that the
most popular method of coping with depression in our modern age is the
scientific, or simnif, approach.
People take drugs to make themselves feel better. Hinduism doesn’t recommend
it. However, Hinduism does not oppose in general the idea of the psychotherapy,
admitting that talking to a friend, or especially to a professional counselor
can help alleviate depression. This psychological method is called mulif.

Hinduism highlights
that the common cultural practices such as singing, dancing and playing a
musical instrument are also effective ways of combating depressive state of
mind. These activities help lift up the physical and spiritual energies, raising
the consciousness and learning to avoid the grosser states of mind—doubt,
depression, and discouragement.

The method to cure
depression is through meditation is called the shumif approach. As Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami admits, “This is
the most advanced method, because the hardest time to meditate is when we’re
upset, sad or bothered.” So you have to be really
good at meditation to successfully meditate your way to a happier mood.

The main goal is to
claim the spiritual happiness that is inside of you. Happiness is already part
of your inner self, but you need to learn how to experience that part of yourself
that is always happy. Hinduism gives inner ways and outer ways to accomplish
this. The monistic or meditative way is to turn within in meditation, go deep
into the lotus of the heart and experience your inner self, your inner light, and
your spiritual energy. That will make you truly happy.

The theistic way for
easing depression is the dimfi, or
inner place, perspective. You go to the temple and make offerings to the
deities. You come in an unhappy state, receive the blessings and go away
uplifted and happy. Why? Because you have connected with our inner self through
external worship. Actually, you have connected with the same blissful state
that can be achieved through meditation. These are two ways to internalize your
awareness, to move your awareness into our spiritual being.

Gurudeva gave you a
third way: "If you want to attain happiness, make others happy." That
is a wonderful statement. Quite often you are unhappy and depressed because you
are self-centered. You are in a selfish state of mind, concerned only about your
life, your own problems, and your challenges. "Life is not treating us
fairly," you think, so you are unhappy. What's the antidote? Do something
for other people. Try to make them happy.

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Seven tools for fighting
depression and unhappiness:

  1. Refine your consciousness and build self-control through education
    and cultured activities.

  2. Clear the subconscious of negative memories, reactions and grudges
    through affirmation, self-reflection and sadhana.

  3. Fill yourself with gratitude for life and for all that you have.

  4. Know that happiness and unhappiness are states of mind. They are not
    the real you. You are the pure awareness that experiences a state of mind;
    you are not the state of mind itself.

  5. Learn to change your state of mind in meditation, turning awareness
    within to your spiritual nature, the radiance within you. Direct awareness
    through controlled breathing.

  6. Tune into your innate happiness through religious devotion.

  7. Become fulfilled and uplifted by doing things for others.

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Healing Mantras for Depression

Mantras are
energy-based sounds. It is a mystical power charged with divine Energy which enables
us to connect with the nameless, formless, timeless, space less divine Power
that can take any form to appear before an earnest devotee, anywhere or at any
time. Mantras were originally conceived in the Vedas, India’s oldest and most
revered spiritual text. The word "mantra" is derived from two
Sanskrit words, "manas" which means “mind” and "trai" which
means “to free from”. So the word “mantra” literally implies “to free from the

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Research has proved
that Mantras when chanted properly with devotion and faith evokes the
production and spreading of curative chemicals in the brain. Mantras are said
to be helpful in controlling blood pressure, cholesterol levels, adrenalin
level and even normalize heart beat rate. Mantras can remove negativeness like
fear, anger, jealousy etc and bring in positives like improved concentration
and memory power, control over emotions, improved blood circulation and also
activate our body’s natural healing processes. Mantra Chanting therefore brings
in a calming effect on our Nervous System helping you to relax and be stress
free. Mantras can be used to awaken the Kundalini and stimulate the Chakras.
They also can be of great help when doing meditation. Mantra meditation, these
days, has gained great popularity as a relaxation technique and stress buster.

The following
mantras are considering being the most powerful and effective, when you attempt
to combat clinical depression. Write down your intentions before starting your
mantra the first time. In this case, you may write that you want to feel
uplifted, joyful and full of positive energy every day. State exactly what you
want the mantras to do for you.

Repeat this specific
mantra to heal depression: "Om
Bhoginyei Namaha
," pronounced "Om Bhoh-geen-yei
Nahm-ah-hah." The direct translation is of the Hindu goddess Shakti, "Salutations
to the She who has the experience of perpetual bliss."

Another very
powerful healing mantra is: "Ra
Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung
." Use this mantra to heal depression,
activate and balance your chakras (the energy centers of your body), and
transform your body into a healthy one mentally, emotionally, spiritually and
physically. Translation -

Raa- Sun

Maa- Moon

Daa- Earth

Saa- Impersonal infinity

Saa Say- Totally of infinity

So- Personal sense of merger and identity

Hung- The infinite vibrating and real

Repeat your mantras,
as often as you wish, silently, out loud or both. Designate 20 to 30 minutes
daily to speak or mentally say your mantras, if you desire to. Many spiritual
disciplines perform mantras for 40 days although positive results can happen
several days earlier.

Sources and Additional Information:

Guttate Psoriasis Causes Symptoms

What is Guttate Psoriasis -

Its type of psoriasis that looks like small, salmon-pink drops on the skin.

Its name derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Its not contagious and may be inherited, usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs and may cover a large portion of the body.

The trigger to the disease is usually a streptococcal infection. It can break out and disappear without ever returning.

Guttate Psoriasis Causes -

Fewer than 2% of those with psoriasis have the guttate type. It's more common in children and adults younger than 30 years. Boys and girls are equally affected.

Those with a family history of psoriasis have an increased chance of having the disease. Some people carry genes that make them more likely to develop psoriasis.

People with this condition may have a significantly higher number of human leukocyte antigens BW17, B13, or CW6 than others.

Guttate Psoriasis Symptoms -

Small, salmon-pink drops usually appear suddenly on the skin 2-3 weeks after a streptococcal infection, such as strep throat or tonsillitis.

The drop like lesions usually itch.

The outbreak usually starts on the trunk, arms, or legs and sometimes spreads to the face, ears, or scalp. The palms and the bottoms of the feet are usually not affected.

Nail changes, such as pits and ridges, which are characteristic of chronic psoriasis, may be absent.

Sinus Infection Symptoms

Sinus Infection Symptoms, today we will discuss about Sinus Infection. there are a variety of symptoms when you are infected with sinus, and they can also be a potential damage

Sinus Infection to your sinus if all the symptoms are prevalent in your body , and they can cause extensive damage to the nasal region of the body. The symptoms of sinus infection may range from headache, to bad breath.

The symptoms of sinus infection actually include pain in the area around your eyes and in your forehead, and on the very area of your scalp whenever you go to pick up an object. Whenever you are in pain in the forehead area, and you feel like vomiting due to that intense pain, you can be sure that you were sinus infection. In other words, if you feel a lot of pain in the forehead region of your scalp, then you can be pretty sure that your sinus infection.

Also if you always have an upset stomach and you're always tired, and your nasal passage is always blocked by an excess of mucus, then you can also believe that you have sinus infection. Also having a bad breath due to no reason at all can be a very good symptom of sinus infection.

More For Sinus Infection Symptoms - Symptom Checker

Headache/facial pain or pressure of a dull, constant, or aching sort over the affected sinuses is common with both acute and chronic stages of sinusitis. This pain is typically localized to the involved sinus and may worsen when the affected person bends over or when lying down. Pain often starts on one side of the head and progresses to both sides. Acute and chronic sinusitis may be accompanied by thick nasal discharge that is usually green in color and may contain pus (purulent) and/or blood. Often a localized headache or toothache is present, and it is these symptoms that distinguish a sinus-related headache from other types of headaches, such as tension and migraine headaches. Infection of the eye socket is possible, which may result in the loss of sight and is accompanied by fever and severe illness. Another possible complication is the infection of the bones (osteomyelitis) of the forehead and other facial bones – Pott's puffy tumor.

Sinus Infection Symptoms Pictures And Images

Sinus Infection Sinus Infection Picture Sinus Infection Pictures Sinus Infection Photos

Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms Treatments

What is Peripheral Vascular Disease -

Its a medical term referring to some vascular diseases affecting the peripheral blood vessels.

Its an obstruction of large arteries, can result from atherosclerosis, inflammation problems, an embolism or blood clot formation.

It usually causes a lack of blood supply, either chronic or acute with four stages,

(1) being mild discomfort when walking
(2) being severe discomfort when walking
(3) being discomfort when resting
(4) being severe discomfort when resting

Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms -

weakness in muscles
cramping in muscles indicating low blood flow
sores or ulcers that heal slowly or not at all
change in limb color and temperature
diminished hair growth on the affected part

Smoking of tobacco, diabetes, elevations of total cholesterol, elevated blood pressure and various inflammatory mediators are main causes.

Critical Limb Ischemia - Patients with this condition have a risk for CLI, in which the blood supply is not enough to maintain vital tissues, leading to their death and putrefaction.

Olive Oil for Skin

Olive Oil Tone is best natural cure you can use for dry skin.

Light and mildly antibacterial oil, like the oil produced by our sebaceous glands.

We can replace it with your moisturizer because of its rich in polyphenols: antioxidants that check the spread of free radicals, or damaging substances caused by sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and alcohol.

It doesn't contain irritants such as perfumes or dyes.

Apply liberally on particularly troublesome spots for conditions like wrinkles and stretch marks.

Apply a generous amount of olive oil on your hands at night before going to bed. Wear a pair of cotton gloves, and go to sleep. You'll be amazed at how much better your hands will look in the morning.

Face Mask - Add a few drops of olive oil to clay mud or mashed avocado, then apply the paste to your face. Let it sit for five to ten minutes, then rinse off.

Dry Skin Moisturizer - Add about 1.5 ounces of glycerin, beeswax, or any other edible food thickener to one pint of olive oil. Heat until melted. Add more thickener if desired, then heat again until preferred thickness is achieved.

Use as you would with any over-the-counter moisturizers.

Extra-virgin olive oil is oil taken from the first pressing of the olives, and is the purest form of oil you can find. Stay away from other variants, as these have already been chemically processed and may not be ideal for dry skin treatment.

Benefits of Olive Oil on Skin -

(1) Its composed of monounsaturated fat, which is considered a healthy fat which offer a plethora of health benefits, when used in moderation.

It has the capability to lower blood pressure due to containing beneficial antioxidants, which are most prevalent in extra-virgin oil.

(2) Its able to control blood sugar specifically by lowering blood glucose levels.

Diabetics, or border-line diabetics, are instructed to follow a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

(3) It can help control blood sugar even if diabetics switch to a high fat diet, considering most of that fat comes from olive oil.

(4) Additionally, It does not negatively effect the levels of good cholesterol, known as HDL cholesterol.

Sad Scale for iPhone

that you have signs of depression, and not just bad mood, weak character, or
individualistic personality, is very important, and that is the first step on
the long way to recovery. It is hard to make the first step and develop the
objective insight on your own mental state. The application, available on
iPhone, will help you to make it. You can screen yourself with several popular questionnaires
and get yourself more or less clear picture of your condition. Needless to say,
that this application is not a diagnosis, it is just a food for thoughts and
may be stimuli to make appointment with the therapist to check your suspicions.

PPD Scale

Major depression affects five percent of the U.S population. It is believed
that 10-15% of women will suffer postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth of
a baby. PPD can lead to marital tension, suicide, and infanticide. This
application contains the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is a simple
questionnaire that you can take. The advantage of having this test available on
your iPhone is that you will be able to test yourself and store the results for
your doctor. The results can be emailed. The program will save the last 30

Zung Self-Rating Depression scale

The Zung
depression questionnaire
contains 20 questions. This is a widely used
screening tool. The user can take the test over and over. It will store your
results so that you can share with your physician. The application will only
keep track of one patient at a time. The tool should be used in conjunction
with your health care provider. Sometimes patients do not realize that they are
getting more depressed or having signs of depression. The goal of the
application is to raise awareness of this disease and to help patients seek
medical care.

Zung scale cannot take the place of a comprehensive clinical interview for
confirming a diagnosis of depression. The Zung scale also provides a simple
tool for monitoring changes in depression severity over time in research

Geriatric Depression Scale

Depression Scale
this is a depression scale that has 15 questions and
allows the user to keep track of the score and also allows the user to email
the results to their healthcare provider.

The main goal is to increase awareness of depression and to have patients seek
medical care early.

Based on the initial findings, you have a preliminary data; you can show to
your health care provider and ask how you can use this tool as part of your
tracking your symptoms. Also, you can take a picture of your graph if you
prefer and then email it to your health care provider. In order to take
pictures of screens please read instructions on our website.

Please seek professional help if you are worried about depression or would like
a full medical evaluation.


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System requirements:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch,
and iPad.Requires iOS 2.2 or later.

Cost: $0.99

Rating: 3 out of 5

Chicken Skin Disease Treatment

Feeling tiny rough bumps on the outer-upper arms and thighs is not entirely unique to certain individuals.

This skin condition might be mistaken for other skin conditions especially during the winter season.

Chicken Skin Disease also known as "keratosis pilaris".

Its actually a genetic disorder that involves the keratinization that occurs in the hair follicles.

Other skin conditions that may be associated are atopic dermatitis, xerosis, and ichthyosis.

Chicken Skin Treatment -

(1) Expose the skin to sunshine for about fifteen to thirty minutes, not to overexpose the body so as to dry it out too much.

(2) Increase humidity levels while indoors is also recommended for adequate skin hydration.

(3) Using soaps that contain urea, propylene glycol, and lactic acid, as well as other emollients have been found to soften the hardened tiny bumps on the skin.

(4) Applying moisturizers after bathing is also a good way to keep the moisture in.

(5) Staying away from foods that have been known to cause allergic flare-ups is a good start.

(6) Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as flax hemp seed, walnuts, salmon, and tuna are highly recommended.

(7) Drinking ample amounts of water is always advised as the body functions better when it is properly hydrated.

(8) Mixing equal parts of olive oil and sugar can give you an effective exfoliant that you can use in order to slough off the keratin plugs as well as other dirt particles from your skin.

(9) Using apple cider vinegar to wash the area affected by keratosis pilaris could take the place of using lactic acid washes and creams.

(10) Adding several tablespoons of Vitamin E oil to your bath water could help seal in the moisture in your skin and improve the appearance of your keratosis pilaris.

Kidney Stones Symptoms

Kidney Stones Symptoms, kidney stones most often than not do not cause any symptoms, but the pain which accompanies the kidney stones are so painful that you could actually feel the presence of kidney stones in your body.

Kidney Stones Symptoms

Kidney stones typically are actually very small stones of hard mass, that can pass out through urine, making it a very painful experience for you when you go to urinate. In such circumstances, the kidney stone actually lodges itself in the urinary tract in the body, without causing any pain or potential damage, and that is the only reason that it goes undetected in medical examinations worldwide. If a stone grows up to be large enough, then it can always be blocked the flow of urine in your body, making it very harmful for your body.

When small stones pass through your urine, then you would obviously get to know that you have kidney stones in your body. But when there is a sudden development of pain throughout the lower part of your body, and you have no urine coming out from the urinary tract, then you can be sure of the fact that there is a large enough kidney stone that is lodged in your body, and needs to be taken out as soon as possible.

More About Kidney Stones Symptoms - Symptom Checker

- No symptoms, if the stone is small enough.

- Sudden, severe pain that gets worse in waves. Stones may cause intense pain in the back, side, abdomen, groin, or genitals. People who have had a kidney stone often describe the pain as "the worst pain I've ever had."

- Feeling sick to the stomach (nausea) and vomiting.

- Blood in the urine (hematuria), which can occur either with stones that stay in the kidney or with those that travel through the ureters.

- Frequent and painful urination, which may occur when the stone is in the ureter or after the stone has left the bladder and is in the urethra. Painful urination may occur when a urinary tract infection is also present.

Kidney Stones Symptoms Pictures And Images

Kidney Stones Symptoms Kidney Stones Symptoms Picture Kidney Stones Symptoms Pictures Kidney Stones Symptoms Photos

Depression Pills

Today, expensive cost and side effects of depression pills reduced use and many people prefer to go natural pills for depression. If you want to go for natural depression pills that contain ingredients that are as effective as depression pills, but with far less side effects. In many cases it is observed that these depression pills are like magic to those who have recovered from depression, but when you consider their side effects, they seem to be dangerous, especially for children and pregnant women.

Depression Pills

Starting or ending the Great Depression Pills

When someone would start taking pills for depression, or make a decision to stop taking them, he / she must be well known for good as bad effects. You can not start or stop taking any pills for depression at random. The benefits of antidepressants, which are the result of just one day or night. Effects in duration as you weeks, months, years, etc. and begin to show their desired effect.

And all of a sudden stop any antidepressant is not desirable for your health and your condition. You should consult your doctor about starting and stopping any pills for depression. Sudden discontinuation of the pill will cause terrible depression.

There may be an increase in your illness and some additional symptoms such as nausea, headaches, sleep disorders and may occur after stopping any antidepressant suddenly. To stop taking any pills for depression narrowing.

Types of Depression Pills

There are different types of depression pills that are useful for the treatment of depression disorders. In the last decade, only some of the new depression, which are safer and more effective than older pills depression and they are actually less effective. But that does not fulfill, that all the depression pills are pros and cons and each have different side effects. So it is very essential decision to choose the right pill for depression its self.

The three types of depression pills are as :

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) SSRI class of depression pills is the most popular and work by increasing levels of serotonin, the mood is related to neurotransmitter in the brain. These pills for depression had a lower risk of side effects than others, but that is not at all mean that they are safe and without side effects. Common side effects caused by depression pills SSRI, have sexual dysfunction and weight gain.

Tricycles antidepressants (TCAs) Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are older class of depression pills because they can cause side effects like dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, blurred vision, sexual dysfunction, dizziness and drowsiness, they are not as positive in the market and not so much prescribed.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) Certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are balanced by those pills for depression and to reduce the amount of monoamine oxidase that breaks down the neurotransmitters. Once these brain chemicals are balanced level, symptoms of depression are much reduced. In general, MAO inhibitors are given as the first medicine to treat depression recovery, as they have serious side effects if taken together with specific foods or other drugs,. One main thing is that these depression pills are not recommended for all children and especially teenagers.

Side effects of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are listed below:

   1. Dry mouth
   2. Sleep problems.
   3. Dizziness and lowered look.
   4. Hunger changes
   5. High BP
   6. Restless feelings
   7. Loss of sexual power
   8. Weight Gain

Depression Pills

Today, expensive cost and side effects of depression pills reduced use and many people prefer to go natural pills for depression. If you want to go for natural depression pills that contain ingredients that are as effective as depression pills, but with far less side effects. In many cases it is observed that these depression pills are like magic to those who have recovered from depression, but when you consider their side effects, they seem to be dangerous, especially for children and pregnant women.

Depression Pills

Starting or ending the Great Depression Pills

When someone would start taking pills for depression, or make a decision to stop taking them, he / she must be well known for good as bad effects. You can not start or stop taking any pills for depression at random. The benefits of antidepressants, which are the result of just one day or night. Effects in duration as you weeks, months, years, etc. and begin to show their desired effect.

And all of a sudden stop any antidepressant is not desirable for your health and your condition. You should consult your doctor about starting and stopping any pills for depression. Sudden discontinuation of the pill will cause terrible depression.

There may be an increase in your illness and some additional symptoms such as nausea, headaches, sleep disorders and may occur after stopping any antidepressant suddenly. To stop taking any pills for depression narrowing.

Types of Depression Pills

There are different types of depression pills that are useful for the treatment of depression disorders. In the last decade, only some of the new depression, which are safer and more effective than older pills depression and they are actually less effective. But that does not fulfill, that all the depression pills are pros and cons and each have different side effects. So it is very essential decision to choose the right pill for depression its self.

The three types of depression pills are as :

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) SSRI class of depression pills is the most popular and work by increasing levels of serotonin, the mood is related to neurotransmitter in the brain. These pills for depression had a lower risk of side effects than others, but that is not at all mean that they are safe and without side effects. Common side effects caused by depression pills SSRI, have sexual dysfunction and weight gain.

Tricycles antidepressants (TCAs) Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are older class of depression pills because they can cause side effects like dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, blurred vision, sexual dysfunction, dizziness and drowsiness, they are not as positive in the market and not so much prescribed.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) Certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are balanced by those pills for depression and to reduce the amount of monoamine oxidase that breaks down the neurotransmitters. Once these brain chemicals are balanced level, symptoms of depression are much reduced. In general, MAO inhibitors are given as the first medicine to treat depression recovery, as they have serious side effects if taken together with specific foods or other drugs,. One main thing is that these depression pills are not recommended for all children and especially teenagers.

Side effects of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are listed below:

   1. Dry mouth
   2. Sleep problems.
   3. Dizziness and lowered look.
   4. Hunger changes
   5. High BP
   6. Restless feelings
   7. Loss of sexual power
   8. Weight Gain

EFT Clinic for iPhone

What is EFT?

According to the Report of the Surgeon General on Mental Health “many
episodes of depression are associated with some sort of acute or chronic
adversity”. Since the 1991 launch of Emotional
Freedom Techniques (EFT)
, EFT founder Gary Craig and his many practitioners
have worked with hundreds of people with depression. They too have noticed that
depression tends to be a result of “acute or chronic adversity.” In EFT terms,
however, this is referred to unresolved emotional issues such as such as
trauma, guilt, shame, fear, anger and sadness. 

Fortunately, EFT offers great potential for these unresolved emotional issues.
You can use it to pull out the emotional roots of your depression … and enjoy
your life again. The basics of EFT can be learned by anyone and can be
self-applied (usually in minutes).

Described as “emotional acupuncture”, EFT draws from the principles of
acupuncture (stimulating the meridian points balances the subtle energies in
your body), but instead of using needles, you tap a series of acupuncture
points with your fingertips. When your energy system is balanced, the negative
emotional responses to past trauma, guilt and anger subside. Without the
emotional fuel, depression can’t start its engine.

EFT is a powerful new method based on the discovery that emotional
trauma contributes greatly to disease. Scientific studies have shown that EFT
is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that
trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body
can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. Here’s how you can
experience this for yourself.

You can make enormous strides by introducing EFT into your emotional
therapy process (whether you are a professional or a client). Instead of taking
months or years using conventional “talk therapy,” EFT often does the job for
you cleanly and thoroughly in one or two sessions … and we sometimes achieve
noticeable results in a few brief rounds of EFT. We label these near-instant
results as “one minute wonders.”

Once you have seen how well EFT clears out emotional debris, your next
step is to notice how physical ailments start to fade. Headaches, back pains
and other discomforts often tend to improve or vanish as emotional issues
improve (this is the essence of Mind Body Medicine). Your vision may become
clearer and everyday stress may take lower toll on your system.

While EFT is considered as very promising
approach of alternative depression treatment, do not consider it as a full
valid replacement for traditional therapy and anti-depressants, prescribed by
your physician.

EFT Clinic Overview

EFT Clinic is the first quality
iphone application that brings the unique healing properties of EFT onto your
iphone or ipad.  For those new to the technique, EFT Clinic
guides you gently through the process of learning EFT with a combination of
text, diagrams and video.

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Free yourself from difficult emotions wherever you are, be it stress or
anxiety, depression, low self esteem, weight loss and much much more.  You
can even use EFT Clinic to help you stop smoking or tackle insomnia.

EFT Clinic is presented by Sue Beer, co founder of the iEFT centre in
London and one of the first certified EFT Masters certified by Gary Craig, the
founder of EFT.

There are five sections in the app – Get Started, Learn
, About Us, Free Stuff and Settings

In the Get Started section, you can learn all the
basics of EFT. This section is great for total beginners as well as those
who want to brush up on their EFT skills. The information is presented in easy
to read, bite size portions, with video accompaniments and diagrams where

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

You can broaden your knowledge of EFT in the Learn More
section. The information here is divided into two parts – Freedom
and Advanced Techniques. The Freedom From
videos will help you with specific issues, such as stopping smoking or
losing weight. The Advanced Techniques will teach you some
of the therapists tricks of EFT. These videos are great for those who
really want to understand the power of this breakthrough technology.

Note that while the main app is free for all, the videos in this
section are chargeable.

In the Free Stuff section, you can sign up to receive our
free EFT reports
, such as ‘How to Tap’ and “When to go and see and
EFT practitioner”.

Once downloaded, all the content on EFT Clinic is
contained on your mobile device.  You’ll not need an internet connection
to harness the amazing learning potential of this application.

Cost: Free

System Requirements: Compatible with
iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

Developers’ website:

Green Tea Cake Recipes

Green Tea Cake Recipes -

This is a light and moist cake that is not too sweet and has a refreshing green tea fragrance.

The frosting uses cream cheese but has enough sweetness to mask the sour taste.

Green Tea powder gives it a delicate green hue too.

It can also be baked as a sheet cake in a 9x 13 inch pan or as 2 separate round cakes in two 8 inch round pans.

Because of Health Benefits of Green Tea this recipe become really most popular all over the world.

Green tea is also part of many skin care products for Healthy Skin, does have antioxidant properties and can protect against sun damage by working to subdue unhealthy cells.

It's also good for easing rosacea redness, and has been found to be a good acne treatment as well.

It may inhibit the growth of cancer, simple, inexpensive means of preventing diabetes, safe and inexpensive cure to acne and reduce the inflammation associated with acne.

It educes blood cholesterol and blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. It also has the ability to combat heart disease and reduce the risk of strokes.

It may protect the brain and fight the memory-robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer's disease.

Green Tea Calories - How Many

Here I have perfect answer of your questions like,

(1) How many calories in Green Tea
(2) How many calories are in Green Tea
(3) How many calories does Green Tea have

Let's start,

This Healthy Food is really low calorie diet for all who are looking for Fast Natural Weight Loss.

Its perfect for burning fats and offers you other benefits as well.

It also retards the absorption of fat, catechins are inhibitors of lipases and lipids and interference allows the fats, cholesterol and other lipids be expelled.

It is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

It helps clean your organs for optimum performance. It also helps prevent risks of cancer as its rich with phenols and help maintain normal blood pressure.

Green Tea Health Benefits are few but all are really very effective.

Its really very different from all other common slimming pills and ordinary diet capsules.

It helps you body regulate blood sugar levels, it will boost your metabolism while helping prevent your body from absorbing additional fat.

Recently I have get one comment which I want to share here,

Yes, green tea is very useful if we want to lose weight. Nevertheless, we must do fitness exercises as well. A specialized club in health helped me to lose my extra pounds, both with sport and with this kind of drinks. If we drink everyday a cup of green tea, we will feel much better, because it helps clean our organs as you said!

You can also take this Healthy Life Style Food with,

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Green tea ice cream is a delicious treat to eat when you're in the mood for something cold.

It made from certain types of green tea powder usually from matcha or maccha which gives wonderful green color.

This Healthy Food is usually made by cooking the ingredients and then freezing them.

You can also experiment with vanilla, chocolate, etc.

Just take below given things near to you,

(1) 3 egg yolks (2) 3-4 TBS sugar (3) 2 TBS green tea powder, mixed with a little bit of warm water to form smooth paste.

Do not substitute with regular green tea or powdered green tea for this. It's a lot weaker, it won't work in ice cream.

(4) 1 1/4 c heavy cream (chilled, but not whipped)

Just start preparing it -

(1) Combine first 3 ingredients and swirl it in food processor for 4-5 seconds.
(2) Add cold heavy cream, and swirl it again for another 4-5 seconds.
(3) Put it in a shallow metal pan (freezes faster), and freeze it about 3 hours until almost frozen.
(4) Place the cream mixture back in the food processor and process again until it achieves the consistency of soft cream.
(5) Put it back in the metal pan and freeze. When it's frozen, this delicious ice cream is ready to eat!

This one is a unique and refreshing change from the regular ice cream flavors.

You can also visit my another latest Health Articles,

Green Tea Metabolism
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